Knox Trail

8/26/2020 16:03:16

 If my child already has a chrome book, does he need one
from school? If not, is there a specific software he needs on
his chromebook?

Students are encouraged to use their own devices if they have
one available. Most software is online and integrated into
students' Schoology accounts. Students require only an up to
date Internet browser and the ability to engage in online
conferences using a camera, microphone and speaker
technology. Virus protection software is recommended. Your
child's teacher will let your child know if any special software is
included and the school will supply it when necessary.

8/26/2020 16:11:36

 I know that the school sports season is delayed until midseptember,but do you know if Knox trail and DPHS will havefall soccer offered? and if yes, are the sign ups also delayed? just wanted to make sure we didn't miss the signupsfor our sons. Thank you!

There are no fall sports for KTMS.

8/26/2020 16:16:19

 When we will receive student’s daily schedule? 

You should receive a schedule the week prior to school. We
anticipate them coming out then. Stay tuned.

8/26/2020 16:20:05

 If school were to transition to hybrid model for this age
group, would there be an open house of some sort for 5th

Absolutely we will have parents come to an open house and
let the students see the building. In the meantime were
planning a virtual orientation some time during the week of
September 8th.

8/26/2020 16:20:33

 If school returns to hybrid model, is remote still going to be
an option?

Yes, you can opt your child into remote learning for the entire
year, email:

8/26/2020 16:23:21

Is there another link for the real time Q&A or is this the link? 

After all questions are answered we will compile a FAQ and
post by Monday.

8/26/2020 16:27:53

 Since nurses are not at KT, who are we supposed to contact
if our child will be absent?

You should contact the main office and let them know.

8/26/2020 16:32:56 

It is difficult to read the contact list. Can you please post it in
white print unstead?

Sure, I will upload that at once.

8/26/2020 16:37:02

 The schedule though difficult to read because of the black
lettering appears to be 30 min blocks with no time in
between to switch from 1 class to the next class. If students
can't easily access the next class then how will the class
start on time. Maybe having a 10 min break between
classes will allow for students to get full instruction for the
class, allow kids to stretch and go to bathroom?

Teachers will be lenient with the time schedule. They will
need a break too. Students won't be penalized if they come
into the class late. Teachers will be able to organize their
work in order to avoid any late arrivals. For ex: maybe they
will have a do now at the start that allows for a few minutes for
students to log on, go to the bathroom, tech issues, etc. It will
work out. Let's talk to specific teachers about this once you
get your child's schedule.

8/26/2020 16:39:29

 What is the schedule for band? Is that what "special" would
be on the schedule?

Band will be in the morning and afternoon: 7:35-8:30 and/or 11:30-2:15.

8/26/2020 16:39:45

 Will there be a drama club, play, rehearsals this year? 

Currently at this time Mr. Lewis is doing a virtual drama club.
It is open to all KTMS students. There is a google classroom
already established: ludk2hlTH or email Mr. Lewis at

8/26/2020 17:05:41

 My son will be going to work with me during his remote
learning. While we travel to my work he will not be able to be
logged on the computer. Will this be an issue?

No. Your child is scheduled into classes throughout the day
but the work necessary for each class is available at any time,
night or day. Your child may miss some real time interaction
with his teacher during the commute which may impact his
ability to do some of the work in the course. When needed, he
should make arrangements to engage with his teacher in the
afternoon, when all teachers are available for extra help.

8/26/2020 17:17:46

 How will students with 504 accommodations be supported
with remote learning?

Teachers are still required to meet 504 & DCAP
accomodations as usual. The only difference from "business
as usual is that meetings will be conducted via Zoom or

8/26/2020 17:23:42

 Will there be a way for the kids to interact with each other at
any point during the day?

Online classes do allow for students to see and hear each
other as well as share ideas. Afternoons are scheduled for
asynchronous learning when students can form small working
groups to complete course work.. Additionally, the schools are
exploring ways to virtually support some student extracurricula
activities such as student government, National Jr.
Honor Society and other clubs.

8/26/2020 18:12:36

 Will there be some kind of virtual orientation for the 5th

Yes, we will have an orientation for new students via zoom the
week of the 7th. Stay tuned for more information.

8/26/2020 18:13:38

 Will the kids have different teachers within the blocks of
instruction time? 
 Or will they all be with the same teacher?

Students will be in cohorts/groups and they will rotate
throughout their schedule with different teachers.

8/26/2020 18:14:29

 Was any more consideration given to doing P/F grades for
specials over number grades as was discussed in the school
committee meeting?

Yes, the leadership team concluded that using the traditional
grading scale (100 - 0) was the more sound approach to
giving students an accurate measure of their proficiency in
every subject area.

8/26/2020 18:19:47 

When will we know the kids schedule and teachers? Will
they be logging in at 9-11 and 12-2 like the HS?

The schedule is posted and the students will receive their
schedule the week of the 7th.

8/26/2020 18:23:43

 How is this helpful when you can’t see questions and

We will have an FAQ posted on Monday compiling all the

8/26/2020 18:33:10

 With this new flu vaccine requirement can we still opt into
remote learning only? My child hasn’t had a flu shot in 11
years and I refuse to give it to my child.

The schools are required to follow Massachusetts' state
regulations for student vaccinations. Remote learning will be
allowed for unvaccinated SEBRSD students as long as it does
not violate state regulations or requirements.

8/26/2020 20:50:10

 Will the 6th graders just stay signed in from 830 to 11 every
day? Will they need to sign in again every 30 minutes?

Students are asked to follow their teachers' requirements for
each of their courses scheduled throughout the morning. Most
days they will be required to be virtually present for some part
of most of their courses. Students will be receiving instruction,
guidance and support at that time. Students may engage with
their teachers as needed in the afternoon on a less structured

8/27/2020 8:33:08

 Why is Ms Blake so awesome?

She works hard and has a great rapport with kids.

8/27/2020 11:43:10

 What school supplies will they need for remote learning
other than notebooks, pencils and tablet?

Student's teachers will inform students of any additional
materials needed for a particular course.

8/28/2020 10:11:13

 Is the end if the day learning block just for kids that need
extra help or have questions?

Once we get the chromebooks if there are issues hardware
or software problem does IT come to our homes to fix it?
Chromebooks if there is an issue how do the kids complete
work while the chromebook being fixed?
English used to be a double block and now it's only 30
minutes. When does this go back to a double block?

Teachers are available throughout the afternoon learning
block to assist anyone needing additional instruction, guidance
and support. Students are not required to be synchronously
engaged with teachers online at that time unless they or the
teacher requests it. Students should use that time to complete
assigned work.
No, school staff members are not allowed into students'
homes. Emailing the IT department at
will initiate a scheduled drop-off at which time the student will
receive a loaner device while repairs are made. The IT
department will attempt to fix the device and return it to the
student. It is recommended that families purchase the
Securranty insurance ($30 / year) to insure that families are
not financially responsible for any repair or replacement costs
beyond those that the school's IT department can manage.
Additional English Language Arts support blocks will be
arranged this year for students not yet performing at grade
level proficiency for reading or writing. These additional
instructional times may occur befor the students' first
scheduled class of the day or during the afternoon asynchrous
learning block.

8/28/2020 18:19:05
Will they have a chance to meet their teachers in person and
get their new books? Vincent was especially eager to meet
his new teachers, he loves making personal connections
with them.

No unfortunately students and teachers can only meet virtually
since our nursing staff has been diverted to both elemenrary
schools while in hybrid format.

8/28/2020 18:52:33

 What would happen if there is an internet outage? There
have been many times this year where one part of town
loses internet or electricity, but the rest of the town and the
surrounding towns have no issue.

In the event of a complete regional power loss, the schools will
declare a non-school day, similar to a snow day during a
typical year. Localized power failure events will be treated on
an individual basis. Teachers will work with students to make
up missing instruction and work, similar to a student absence

Is there a plan to get our 4-12 into some hybrid mode?

Knox Trail will use two distinct cohorts of students who will
attend school in person in different weeks. For instance,
Cohort #1 will attend school in person from Monday -
Thursday of Week 1, while Cohort #2 learns at home
remotely. In Week 2, Cohort #2 will attend in person school
and Cohort #1 will engage in remote learning at home. When
either cohort is learning at home they will attend classes
remotely using their assigned schedules. Schedules are
similar to the remote schedule but the duration of class is