
Due to the forecasted winter storm entering Worcester County, the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District and its administrative offices will work remotely Monday. (2/1) and Tuesday (2/2). All students will take part in remote learning days. Please stay safe.

Due to road conditions, the Spencer-East Brookfield RSD and its administrative offices will work remotely today, Wednesday, January 27, 2021. The District apologizes for the late notice. Concerns for student and staff safety arose as conditions remain icy and slick.

Our February Meal Menu is now live on the website! https://5il.co/oyu7 Pre-order: Delivery (https://forms.gle/D3WfCB5yH1B77rDt8)
Pick-up (https://forms.gle/EU4cZeeREm82BjaaA)
During the week of Feb. vacation, meal pickup is unavailable. Delivery for the week will be on 2/16.

Special Thank you to Lynn Duffyoshea and Terry McCarthy from Brookfield Rotary for donating 500 paper masks and 2 thermometers to our school.


Displaying our diversity wheels from start with hello week.


Special THANK YOU to our Custodian Tom and Kody for deep cleaning our school

Good Morning EBES Parents/Guardian:
This Valentine’s Day, the EBES Kindness Council would like to assist students in nurturing their friendships and showing each other how special they truly are by offering Friendship Grams.
Please see this link for more information https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1086525/Friendship_Grams_Order_Form_2021.pdf

Our EBES Pre-K Morning yoga and mindfulness.
#Progress #Unity #Knowledge

Teaching and learning with purpose! #WireVillageRocks @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm

In case you missed it... Teacher Christine Pena teaches a 10th grade environmental science class to remote students Thursday at David Prouty High School in Spencer, MA! (As featured in the Worcester Telegram). @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm

Good Afternoon,
District administration was notified by our nursing team that a district-wide staff member, a Village School staff member, and another staff member at David Prouty High School have tested positive for COVID-19. The staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 have not been in any of our school buildings. However, they will not return to their buildings for at least 14 days, unless they provide evidence of negative test results.
Primary symptoms of COVID-19 include shortness of breath, coughing, and fever or chills. Other symptoms include congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, abdominal pain, body aches, and loss of taste or smell. If anyone in your home begins to demonstrate any of these symptoms, please keep your child home and consult your primary care physician.
The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. We are following sound protocols aligned with expert health guidance to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect your health. We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of wearing masks, staying six feet apart from others, and regularly washing your hands.
If you have questions or need to report a positive case of Covid-19, please contact Mrs. Carrie Cashman, Lead Nurse at (508) 885-8536 or via electronic mail at: cashmanc@sebrsd.org.
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Our purpose: Always teaching; always learning! #WireVillageRocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm

Always cleaning! #EBERocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm @teamsters

Good Afternoon SEBRSD Community,
We would like to let our Preschool families know that we have decided to issue a two-week credit for preschool tuition charged during the December 2020/January 2021 pivot to remote instruction. Families will see the credit applied towards their March invoices since January and February invoices have already been sent out.
A little background that most families may not be aware of is the fact that our "Cubs Corner" Preschool program is a voluntary and self-sustaining, tuition-based program. As such, the cost of the teacher salaries is funded directly from tuition received. We do realize that remote instruction during such formative years does differ from in-person instruction; however, lesson plans and delivery of instruction are still provided during remote learning. Our teachers are still hard at work generating and providing instruction, materials and resources for students each day.
We understand that these are challenging times for everyone and provide this one-time, good faith gesture, as a means to alleviate some of the pressure our parents, guardians and families in preschool are experiencing during the pandemic. Please note that we will not be able to re-extend this courtesy should we need to pivot to remote learning again. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your continued support of our program, our schools and our district.
Thank You,
Melissa Pervier

Rain, sleet, snow, shine...Our leadership team here @ChooseSEBRSD never rests! We are focused on all of our students & staff as well as on teaching & learning w/purpose! Thank you for all you do, leadership team!! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm @msaa_33

Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge

A note from our Tuition-Based Program & Billing Coordinator:
Dear PK & B/ASP Families,
End-of-year statements were emailed out over the last week to families that made payments during 2020. If you have not received yours, please check your spam folder. This year's statements look different and contain a list of all charges, credits/refunds and payments received in order to account for the refunds issued due to COVID. You will need to manually calculate your payments made and deduct the refund amount issued to determine how much you can claim for your child care expenses. Please disregard the amount listed in the TOTAL field.
Hoping you are healthy & well!
Melissa Pervier