Project 351 engages eighth grade Ambassadors from each of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts in a 12-month program of service learning, leadership development, and civic engagement.
Ambassadors are diverse in all ways but one -- they share Dr. King’s criteria for a life dedicated to service: “a heart full with grace and a soul generated by love."
Hometown educators select each class of eighth grade Ambassadors. Educators select Ambassadors who have demonstrated an exemplary ethic of service and the values of kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude. We place a special premium on unsung heroes and quiet leaders, and the rich diversity of our Commonwealth.
This year Knox Trail Middle School is proud to announce our two Ambassadors Adison Daoust and Alivia Sauvageau!
The pictures below are of Representative Donnie Berthiaume and Representative Peter Durant presenting our two Ambassadors with certificates commemorating the occasion.
Please join us in recognizing Adison Daoust and Alivia Sauvageau!, our Project 351 Ambassadors for 2021! #KnoxTrailRocks @ChooseSEBRSD @TeamProject351 @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm