SPENCER, MA – March 15th, 2021 - Teachers, staff, students and volunteers in the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District were able to take advantage of recent changes prioritizing educators as the COVID-19 vaccination continues across the Commonwealth.
On Monday, March 15th, a Pfizer vaccine clinic was held in conjunction with the Rutland vaccination program, and Spencer Fire and Emergency Services in the David Prouty High School McDonough Gymnasium.
A schedule was created and followed for each school, with a window of time throughout Monday afternoon when faculty, staff, students and volunteers were able to sign up for their vaccination appointments, according to Superintendent of Schools Paul S. Haughey.
“This vaccine clinic happened thanks to our strong school and community partnerships. We are very fortunate to share many quality relationships with our local and state officials in the Southern Worcester County Region of Massachusetts, which include our local Boards of Health in Spencer and East Brookfield, as well as with the Spencer Fire and Emergency Services and the Rutland vaccination program. None of this would be possible without everyone coming together to make this clinic a priority,” Haughey said.
Over 225 district faculty, staff, students, and volunteers were vaccinated - with all school nurses assisting in the clinic.
“Vaccines were an important part of our district’s school reopening plans, and are considered essential in providing everyone with the ‘peace of mind’ they were seeking as we work to toward full in-person learning, five days per week in April,” Haughey added.
The second dose of the Pfizer vaccine will be provided by the Rutland vaccine team and Spencer Fire and Emergency Services in the David Prouty High School McDonough Gymnasium on Friday, April 9th, 2021 (2:00pm – 5:00pm) for all personnel who registered.