Dear Parents, Families and Community Members,
I hope this correspondence finds you and yours continuing to do well.
Back to School
I have received many forms of communication over the past month asking when we will open our doors again as a school district. Presently, we remain under an Executive Order from Governor Baker to remain closed. As a result, there is no good answer to this question now. However, the Commissioner of Education, Jeffrey C Riley, has created a task force to help develop a set of guidelines for K-12 summer and fall 2020.
In recent communications, the Commissioner has indicated that the guidance is in development. It will have four main areas of focus:
- Physical and virtual learning environments.
- Teaching and Learning
- Operations and business services; and
- Behavioral health and social emotional learning.
In an effort to prepare, we will be forming a “Back to School” team. This team will be made up of school committee, staff, students and parents/families, so if you have interest in this work, please email me directly at: by Friday, June 12th, 2020. The “Back to School” team will begin its work shortly thereafter-in preparation for the Commissioner’s Guidelines so that we may be well prepared.
Update on Proposed FY 21 School Budget
Prior to the closure of our schools, we were one of the few districts in Massachusetts to have an approved budget by our School Committee, Fiscal Overseer and the Commissioner of Education. Obviously, since the Covid-19 outbreak in Mid-March many things have changed including our economy. As a result, we will be providing a fiscal update / our financial snapshot at our next School Committee. This meeting is important because it will outline our ongoing work to continue the conversation with our local and state officials about how best to provide our students with a high quality public education in the coming school year.
Celebrating the Class of 2020!
As you may be aware, we have received word from the Commissioner of Education that we may celebrate our Class of 2020 with a “Live” graduation after July 19th, 2020. As a result, Senior Week, the last week of school for our seniors, concluded on Friday, May 29, 2020. That evening we celebrated the Class of 2020 with a “Virtual Class Day” at 6:00PM on Spencer Cable Access Channels 192 and 194. To watch the video anytime, you can go to our YouTube Channel and check it out at
Obviously, with things changing so much in recent weeks with the recent Guidance Provided by the Commissioner of Education, I ask that you please….
SAVE THE DATE: The Class of 2020 Graduation Exercise will be on Friday, July 31st, 2020 at 11:00am on the Upper Field. And make sure to keep an eye out for more updates and communications from Mrs. York and our Senior Class Advisors via email as this date gets closer.
End of School Year Activities
The extended closure of our schools has created a great of flexibility on the part of our staff, students and you as parents/families. Principals have begun communicating their plans to end the school year with the picking up of belongings, remote learning updates, celebrations to end the school year, returning of all Chromebooks, and the like. Please keep an eye open for updates from each building principal on what is planned for your son or daughter as we wrap up the 2019-2020 school year.
Operation Feed SEBRSD!
The Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District Director of Food Services reports that as of today, Monday, June 1st, 2020, we have delivered more than 6,200 “Grab & Go” Meals to our students and their family members. Many congratulations to everyone involved in making the vital program so successful!
FREE meals for all students within the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District will be made available for ALL Students within the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District. The schedule for the week of June 1st - June 5th, 2020 includes the following locations and times.
In Spencer, MA (10:30am – 11:15am)
- Mary Queen of the Rosary Church (Parking Lot) at 60 Maple Street
- Richard Sugden Library (Rear of Building) at 8 Pleasant Street
In East Brookfield MA (11:30am – 11:50pm)
- East Brookfield Baptist Church (Parking Lot) at 262 East Main Street
In Spencer, MA (12:00pm – 12:15pm)
- 9 Bixby Road Housing Development (This location is for residents only).
Last Day of School
The last day of school for students and staff is Thursday, June 18th, 2020. As mentioned earlier, principals will be sending out updates regarding end-of-year activities and Chromebook drop offs for parents/families to return technology to the district for summer reconditioning and refurbishing.
Closing Thoughts
In closing, on behalf of all of us within the spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District, have a safe, happy and healthy summer break; and please know that we cannot wait to welcome your son or daughter back to school in next school year! Thank you for sharing them with us!
Again, please stay safe; continue to practice all of the guidelines; including wearing a face covering while in public; practice social distancing; wash your hands often and refrain from gathering in groups of 10 or more. Together, we got this…
As always, thank you for your continued partnership and support of the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
Take care and be well.
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools