Always teaching; always learning...with purpose! #EBERocks @Progress #Unity #Knowledge @MASchoolsK12 @MassTeacher @MASCSchoolComm
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Congratulations to Mr. Jim Whittemore, David Prouty HS' Teacher of the Month for November 2020! Students love his history classes because his stories are amazing; his enthusiasm is contagious; & he makes learning fun. #ProutyPride! @MASchoolsK12 @MassTeacher @MASCSchoolComm
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Jim Whittemore
Kiara Pond obtained her Bachelor degree in Applied Psychology and Child Advocacy in 2015. She immediately began an accelerated program for her Masters degree in Science, Applied Behavior Analysis. While going through graduate school, Kiara worked and gained intensive fieldwork experience hours as a Special Education Paraprofessional. In May 2018, she graduated from the program, and in August 2018, sat for her boards. She passed thus becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). This is her third year as a public school BCBA, second at SEBRSD. As a result of her hard work and dedication to her students, Kiara Pond is our Student Services Staff Member of the Month for November 2020! Thank you Kiara for all of you do! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
Staff of the Month
Think Like a Proton: Be Positive! #MondayMotivation
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Monday Motivation
We are pleased to introduce Mr. Neil Bresky, who is a math teacher & special education liaison at David Prouty HS this year. He has been teaching high school math, physics and chemistry for over 25 years. Welcome, Mr. Bresky! #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Neil Bresky
Spencer-East Brookfield RSD & Anna Maria College have enjoyed a meaningful relationship over the years promoting the field of education & its importance to the students of our learning communities. Here is what the field experience students had to say... #ThankYou @GoAnnaMaria
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
AMC Thank You
This evening our band students are performing at the Halloween Highway Event at DPHS (6-10pm). This safe, socially distant event consists of a performance by the band, followed by a "Highway" of Halloween decorations & lights. Celebrate Halloween & support our music students
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Halloween Haunted Highway is Happening!! $10 per car! Drive through from 6-10 PM tonight! Lights, decorations, music, and candy for all!!! You will stay warm and dry inside your car!!!!!
over 4 years ago, David Prouty High School
Faculty Spotlight: We are pleased to introduce Marie Rocheleau-Demers, our new Early Education & Care Teacher at David Prouty HS. She has extensive experience in Early Childhood Education. Welcome, Mrs. Demers! #ProutyPride @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm @MassEarlyEdCare
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Demers, Marie
IMPORTANT: The Spencer-East Brookfield RSD is hosting a FREE Flu Clinic on Thursday, Oct 29th, (5-7p) in the David Prouty HS Cafeteria. We will be administering flu shots to the children of Spencer & East Brookfield, MA. @MASchoolsk12 @SpencerCable @telegramdotcom @masslivenews
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
FREE Flu Clinic
David Prouty High School's custom made pumps arrived from San Francisco and were installed Friday! Thank you, Siemens! #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @Mass_SBA @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm @Siemens
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
DP HS Pumps
DP HS Pumps
DP HS Pumps
DP HS Pumps
In case you missed it... The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony recognized David Prouty HS students for their character, leadership, scholarship and service! Congratulations to our new Inductees! #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @MASCSchoolComm
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
DP HS NHS Induction Ceremony 2020
We’d love to see every family in the District. There will be candy, lights, decorations — nothing too scary for young children!
over 4 years ago, David Prouty High School
Office Hours, Thursday, October 29, at 7 PM. Topics: Re-opening Prouty, and Schoology for Parents
over 4 years ago, David Prouty High School
We are pleased to announce that we have two seniors who have qualified as David Prouty High School's first-ever candidates for the Advanced Placement Diploma! Congratulations, Brendan & Rhea! #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @MASchoolsk12 @MASCSchoolComm @APforStudents
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
AP Scholars
This morning David Prouty HS recognized 18 members of the Class of 2021 - for earning the John & Abigail Adams Scholarship. Congratulations to our Adams Scholars! #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @MASchoolsk12 @MASCSchoolComm
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Adams Scholars
Adams Scholars
Keeva zooming with the students in different classes throughout the district this morning! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
over 4 years ago, SEBRSD
Did you know that this is School Bus Safety Week, which is all about keeping students safe when riding the bus? That's why despite how different this school year is, we here @ChooseSEBRSD want to thank AA Transportation for all they do for us! #ThankYou #SchooBusSafetyWeek
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
AA Transportation
FREE Breakfast and Lunch through June 2021! When ordering using the Google Form you are helping reduce food waste & supporting the SEBRSD Food Service Program! The order form resets on Thursdays so you can order for the next week, @snamass
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Meals Program
Predict the future! #MondayMotivation
over 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Monday Motivation