Did someone say, “Graduation?” Tomo of AaTS of Massachusetts loves graduation ceremonies! Tonight, we recognize the Knox Trail MS 8th Grade on the David Prouty HS upper field at 5pm and the “Cubs Corner” Preschool at 6:30pm at East Brookfield Elementary. #SeeYouThere #WeAreSEBRSD
What a great day to recognize the Graduating Class of 2030…. Wire Village School 4th Grade Promotion Ceremony! #WeAreWireVillage #WeAreSEBRSD @ChooseSEBRSD @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm
Flag Day 2022! Celebrating the United States Flag at East Brookfield Elementary School this morning! Thank you to our local veterans, police, and first responders for orchestrating this wonderful celebration! #FlagDay #WeAreEBE #WeAreSEBRSD @MASchoolsK12 @Massupt @MASCSchoolComm
Be Kind. #MindfulMonday
Grade 9 Marketing students interviewed Mrs. Beane's 2nd grade students at the SCATV studio, asking them questions to get ideas for writing them each a short story. Click the link to watch the interviews!
Yesterday, Mrs Durant’s class did an outstanding job reading poetry to their parents/family members in the Wire Village School Auditorium! #JobWellDone #WeAreWireVillage #WeAreSEBRSD
Yesterday, our Early Education and Care CTE students supervised and looked after students from the "Cubs Corner" Preschool program at the Bravehearts game! It was a perfect learning opportunity and a chance to have some end of year fun with their little friends! @WeAreSEBRSD
Congratulations to our David Prouty High School E-Sports - Rocket League State Title Team on receiving their trophy today! Job well done!! #ProutyPride #WeAreProuty #WeAreSEBRSD
Take a virtual tour of the Renovated David Prouty High School! Learn more about our school building project with the MSBA at: https://dphsbuilding.com/ @Mass_SBA @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm @neasc
Finals Calendar for June 16-21
Prom 2022! "A Night on Cloud Nine"
Click the link to see a slide show of this year's prom.
Tonight at 6:00pm, we celebrate and recognize the David Prouty High School Class of 2022 in the McDonough Gymnasium… Congratulations to our graduates! #WeAreProuty #WeAreSEBRSD
We are learning about weather in preschool this morning with our CTE High School students on hand! #WeAreSEBRSD
Please take time today to remember and honor those who served. We don’t know them all but we owe them all! #MemorialDay2022
Happy Sunday! Reminder that there will be no school on Monday, 5/30 for the holiday. Enjoy your long weekend! ☀️
In case you missed it... Our Memorial Day festivities at Knox Trail Middle School was a day to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military. This year, Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 30. #WeAreKnoxTrail #WeAreSEBRSD
Did you know? Earlier this year, the EB Historical Society dedicated the bell that used to hang on the outside of the Hodgkins Building in East Brookfield. The Hodgkins building is one of the oldest buildings in town and was the original school building for the town. The bell now hangs outside East Brookfield Elementary!#WeAreSEBRSD
In case you missed it… Special moments at Special Olympics last week! #WeAreSEBRSD
The 2022 White Sweater Breakfast recognizing & celebrating our David Prouty High School Scholars was held this morning with parents/families in attendance. The event which covers 55+ years of Prouty tradition was led by Principal York. #ProutyPride @MASchoolK12 @MASCSchoolComm