Good Morning Parents, Families and Guardians,

We are pleased to inform you of a donation made by the Commonwealth to the school districts of Massachusetts. We understand the holidays can be a hectic time, filled with many gatherings and functions. With gatherings, comes the risk of increased illness by way of exposure to and through the potential spread of viruses. For this reason, we have been given a supply of Covid-19 tests to be divided amongst our school children here in the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District (SEBRSD). 

Beginning on November 21st, each child in the SEBRSD will be given two Covid-19 tests to take home and utilize if symptoms should develop. Please check with your child(ren) next week to make certain they received their test kits. 

It is our sincere hope that with this donation of tests you are all able to enjoy a safe, healthy, and most of all, happy holiday season! Thank you and please direct any questions you may have to your school nurse. 

As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership of our efforts here in the Spencer-East Brookield Regional School District to promote safety, health and wellness.

Sincerely Yours,

SEBRSD Health Services