AlphaBEST is coming to Spencer-East Brookfield and is still hiring! Competitive pay, free childcare, part-time hours, no weekends, benefits, & HIRING BONUS. Interested? Please click here and fill out an interest form:
High School Building Project Update: Initial Geotech Investigations or core sample drilling begin at David Prouty HS! @MASS_SBA @ @MASchoolsK12
Supply Chain Shortages
Dear Families - Due to national shortages of food and packaging materials, labor shortage and vendor delivery delays and cancellations, our menus are subject to change based on availability. Please know that our team is working hard to provide meals every day, adjust on the fly, and provide updates about menu changes as soon as possible. We may need to make quick menu substitutions based upon what we hand on hand, but we are trying our best to make comparable changes wherever possible. Thank you for your continued support and patience. Please stick with us through this challenging time! - Brianne Pulver, Food and Nutrition Department
Good Evening,
I am writing to personally apologize for the recent survey that was given to our students in grades 5-8 at Knox Trail MS. There appears to have been a communication breakdown in the past two weeks whereby we had mailed home a hard copy pink informational letter informing you that our middle school students would be participating in a "safety, health and wellness" survey with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Unfortunately, the communication that was sent home may not have made it to some of you, especially in grades five and six.
Further, upon receiving your feedback, we will make sure that communication is sent home to you as parents in multiple mediums, (backpack, email, and through our new SEBRSD App).
I want to assure you as the Superintendent of Schools that all students in grades five and six will have their survey results destroyed due to the young ages of our students in these grades.
What has become abundantly clear is that the first two questions of the survey were clearly confusing and beyond the scope of what our young people , especially in grades five and six. Additionally, the survey was just not appropriate for your children at these young ages.
With that said, I want you to know that we will improve our procedures of notifying you in multiple ways moving forward and making sure you as parents and families know that you are always able to “opt out” of any survey we put forward to our communities. Additionally, we will improve our communications to make sure you have ample notice and provide you with opportunity to communicate your choices accordingly to us.
We are here to serve the communities of Spencer and East Brookfield and your children. Our priority is to provide safe, and healthy learning environments, classrooms and schools for our students. Our administration, faculty and staff are truly working hard to identify student placed at-risk so that we may provide high quality programs and services to those who need them. In no way, were these surveys conducted to do harm or upset the public in any way.
To be clear, I am the Superintendent of Schools and the buck starts and stops with me and what goes on in the operation of a safe, orderly and healthy learning environment is my responsibility. I assume full responsibility for this error. It is my fault - not the School Committees and not the middle school administration, faculty or staff. They are truly working hard to keep children safe and healthy; and are working with our various stakeholders to create partnerships that will provide the “resources and supports needed” now and into the future for your children. Furthermore, I place a premium on making sure our students and staff always are and always will be safe when you give them to us. This goal was the intent of the survey, not any other.
Still, I make no excuses. I hear you as parents, families and guardians loud and clear; and assume full responsibility for this communication breakdown and assure you that we will do better moving forward as a school district I am sorry.
As always, I thank you for your continued partnership and support of the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District. It is deeply appreciated! #Innovate #Inspire #Achieve
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Tomo had a successful week at the 2021 Akita Club of America National Specialty in Topeka, KS where he earned his AKC Canine "Good Citizen" and "Trick Novice" Titles! Congratulations, Tomo on a job well done!! @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm
AlphaBEST is coming to Spencer- East Brookfield RSD and is now hiring! Competitive pay, free childcare, part-time hours, no weekends, benefits, & HIRING BONUS. Interested? Please click here and fill out an interest form:
In case you missed it…. Young Tree Service recently built beautiful outdoor learning spaces / classrooms for our students at Wire Village School. On behalf of all of us @ChooseSEBRSD, thank you! @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm #ThankYou
Are you ready for some football? #GoPanthers #PantherCountry @MIAA033
The David Prouty High School Panther Band takes a photo together before getting ready for an exciting fall 2021 season! #GoPanthers #WeAreProuty @USBands
Special thanks to our grounds crew for working so hard to get our field ready for the week ahead and all of the games taking place! You are entering Panther Country!! #GoPanthers #WeAreProuty
DAVID PROUTY HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING PROJECT SURVEY (SEPTEMBER 2021) has four questions & takes less than a few minutes to complete. To learn more & take part in this important survey, go to: @Mass_SBA @MASchoolsK12 @MASCSchoolComm
Public Notification - Child Find Notice
Monday Motivation!
Today we extend best wishes to all those who celebrate Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year in Judaism.
PD in Action! Day 2 of ECRI Training (Grades K-2) with delivery tips for “Affix Review” routines. PD is facilitated by Katie Leonard from Hill for Literacy. Pictured is training exercises with our Wire Village School Faculty! @MASchoolsK12
Breakfast is a great way to start the day! #WeAreSEBRSD
9/11 Remembered!
The Town of Spencer Water Department will begin road construction to replace the existing water main and water service piping on Smithville Rd. between Meadow Rd. & Pleasant St. (Pending start date is September 13, 2021). Construction hours will be Monday – Friday 7am-5pm and is expected to last (6) weeks. Be advised that the road will be closed to through traffic during construction. Water may be shut-off for area residents may occur at anytime during construction hours however, we will notify in advance when at all possible.
We thank you in advance for your patience during construction.
Please contact the Spencer Water Department office with any questions 508-885-7525.
Please note that AlphaBest is for the Before/After-school programming only.
"Cubs Corner" Preschool will continue to be operated by the district.
Thank you for your patience and understanding of the staffing issues AlphaBest is experiencing at this time.
Dear AlphaBEST Parent,
As the school year begins, we are committed to keeping you updated on our program operations. As a result of ongoing pandemic-related employment challenges, we are experiencing staffing issues as we've never seen before. As a result, the program that you have registered for will not be able to remain open after Friday, September 10th. This is the most difficult decision for us to make, but the safety of children always comes first.
We continue to put all of our efforts into hiring staff while reviewing enrollment in each site. Due to the lack of staff to meet licensing ratio requirements and the lack of applicants for the group leader and site director, positions we are legally not allowed to continue to operate. We will open the program as soon as we possibly can and will keep you updated on our recruitment progress.
Rest assured your child/ren's spot has been reserved with the registration fee you have already paid. We will also be refunding your weekly rate that was charged this week to make up for this inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate these challenging times.
Your AlphaBEST Team