Good Morning,
Earlier this morning I learned that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in partnership with the Department of Public Health (DPH) approved our application to participate in the at-home antigen testing program as well as the diagnostic and routine pool trusting programs. As a result, I am writing to make you aware of the steps you will need to complete as part of the "At-Home Antigen Test Program" begin deployed in the coming days ahead across the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District for staff and enrolled students.
Please see the attached informational letter below regarding implementation of this important program as it is yet another tool in our effort to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Our goal is to deploy these at-home tests across the district over the next couple of weeks.
Phase 1 will distribute testing kits to district staff the week of January 24th, 2022.
Phase 2 will begin distribution of testing kits to students the week of January 31st, 2022. Kits will be distributed bi-weekly and will contain two (2) tests, which is a two-week supply. Kits are expected to ship out from distribution on Monday, January 31st, 2022, and we anticipate that they will arrive within a couple of days to the district. Details regarding the distribution of kits to families will follow.
Once kits have been distributed to individuals that have opted-in to this program, each student will need to test each week on Sunday, using the iHealth antigen tests provided. Positive results should be reported using the link for the Positive Test Result Notification Form on the attached letter AND by contacting your child's school nurse.
Once you have read the attached letter, please click the Opt-In link if you wish to participate in this program and receive take home tests. We urge you to complete this form expeditiously and no later than *January 28th, 2022* if possible. If you are unable to complete the online form, we will accept a signed paper copy (included in the attached letter below). Paper forms can be turned in to your child's school office. *Please note that failure to opt-in by this date will delay your access to testing supplies.
To learn more about the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Updated Covid-19 testing program, click this link.
In closing, we know that the Covid-19 pandemic continues to place added pressure on students, parents/families, our staff and our learning community as a whole. We are genuinely appreciative of your patience, support, and partnership of the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District. Take care and stay well! #Innovate #Inspire #Achieve
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed. D
Superintendent of Schools
Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District
@MASchoolsK12 @MassDPH @Shah_Foundation @MASCSchoolComm @MassGov