Good Morning!
Over the past two days, our School Committee voted 6-1 on two separate occasions to reopen the Spencer-East Brookfield RSD in the hybrid model for the 2020-2021 school year. Here is a brief summary of what this means for our regional school district - its students, parents/families and staff. As voted, this model includes but is not limited to:
For Grades PreK-3, all students return to a hybrid model of learning with safety precautions within our regional school district - with all available district resources and supports in place to support our youngest children in their early years. A hybrid model of learning with safety precautions means Monday through Thursday following an A Week / B Week schedule and school year calendar - with the understanding that every possible resource is brought to bear to ensure the safety, health and wellness of our students and staff. Fridays would be a remote teaching and learning day as the district deep cleans our facilities in preparation for the next week of operation ahead.
Special Education in grades PreK-12 will be provided with opportunities to learn in person with safety precautions - for any student with disabilities requiring 502.4 programming and service delivery.
English Language Learners will be provided with opportunities to learn in-person with safety precautions - if designated level 1 or 2 students. All others will be provided with remote learning opportunities that are rigorous, relevant and meaningful in the acquisition of the English language.
Title I Targeted assistance will also be offered to student’s in-person or remotely - by appointment.
MTSS: Students requiring targeted assistance and support in MTSS (Tier II & III) would be provided learning opportunities to walk-in for meetings with faculty/staff as needed in-person or remotely - by appointment. This would include any student demonstrating SEL/trauma issues from pandemic
For Grades 4-12, all students will return to a remote learning model so that students ages 9 and up are not placed at-risk for Covid-19 exposure and spread of the virus.
All students within the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District will receive an iPad (Grades Prek -2) or Chromebook (Grades 3-12) so they may access remote learning anytime. All students within the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District will have Google accounts; Seesaw (Prek -2) or Schoology (Grades 3-12) accounts as platforms to learn remotely.
“It will take all of us working together in a respectful and responsible manner to make this reopening of our school district successful.” Our goal in the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District is to make certain that students and staff can come back to school safely. Safety is our number one priority and necessary to teach and learn!
This plan was developed from the guidelines set forth by DESE, meetings with a community and district “Back-To School” Team, and input from Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District administration, faculty and staff.
I am aware that there will be more questions than answers as we roll this plan out in September, I will continue to update you on a regular basis, make adjustments as we get more guidance from DESE, and take input and feedback from the community, faculty, and staff. As always, thank you for your partnership and support of the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
Take care and be well.
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools