SPENCER, MA - May 3, 2024 - The David Prouty High School Panthers Band performed their hearts out on stage and earned a gold medal at the Great East Music Festival earlier today. Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Forfa and the following young performers: Chloe Apostal; Elijah Barnett; Hunter Dubois; Paige Fritze; James Hanlan; Jorelys Ignacio; Makenzie Lipski; Lilyan Mateucci; Matt McNicol; Lily Melanson; Aidan Page; Lily Page; Morgan Pelchat; Christ Pinkowski; Nick Russo; Jackson Rutkiewicz; Ava Sobosik; Zach Soulor; and Victoria Zheng.
All of the student-performers worked hard for this moment and it showed through the judges’ comments and scores. They perfected two pieces that will be featured at the upcoming 2024 Spring Concert later this month on Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30pm in the David Prouty High School Auditorium.