Important Links

Student mental health and wellness is of utmost importance to us. We have collaborated with the Department of Mental Health to provide our families and students with the necessary resources to locate services and get help, if needed. If you have concerns that your child may be suffering, please reach out! Please read below for resources and contact information.
Not sure if your child needs help? Visit HandholdMA.org to learn more about signs to look for and answers to commonly asked questions, as well as tips, tools and strategies.
If you or a family member are experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis, call Emergency Services Program/Mobile Crisis Intervention at 1(877) 382-1609, or visit https://www.mass.gov/emergencycrisis-services.
Department of Mental Health (DMH) - Worcester Office
361 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605
Phone (774) 420-3140 | Fax: (774) 420-3111
Community Resources
Visit HandholdMA.org for access to tips, tools and strategies to help your child.
The Tempo Young Adult Resource Center provides a variety of drop in support to young adults. https://www.waysideyouth.org/aboutus/ourservicesoverview/services/young-adult/tempo-young-adult-resource-center/
Zia Access Center Young Adult Access Center (508) 751-9600/ (774) 242-6364; https://ziacenter.com/
If you are feeling sad, lonely, hopeless, or suicidal, call or text the 24/7 Samaritans Statewide Helpline at (877) 870-4673 or visit https://samaritanshope.org.
If you or a family member are experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis, call Emergency Services Program/Mobile Crisis Intervention at 1(877) 382-1609, or visit https://www.mass.gov/emergencycrisis-services.
To access services or for information about aging-related issues, visit https://www.mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-elder-affairs. To connect to a local elder service agency, call (800) 243-4636.
The Trevor Project - The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth. 866-488-7386 and https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Teen Line - Non-profit, community-based organization that provides emotional support to youth. It is our mission to provide peer-based education and support before problems become a crisis, using a national hotline, community outreach and online support. TEXT TEEN to 839863
Your Life Your Voice Teen Hotline - Your Life Your Voice is provided by Boys Town. Boys Town, a national nonprofit, offers many resources for parents, families, and children in times of need. https://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/Pages/home.aspx
Parent Support Resources
Wayside offers Family Support Groups facilitated by a parent with lived experience https://www.waysideyouth.org/forfamilies/parentsupportservices/
Parent Professional Advocacy League also runs parent support groups by parents with lived experience https://ppal.net/ppal-central-ma
Multicultural Mental Health Resources
Advocacy for Refugee and Immigrant Services for Empowerment (ARISE) - (617) 446-3706; Ariseus.org
Ascentria Care Alliance - (774) 243-3100; Ascentria.org
Centro Las Americas - (508) 798-1900; Centroinc.org
Counseling and Assessment Clinic of Worcester, LLC Worcester- (508) 791-3261; Fitchburg- (978) 345-9400; Cacworcester.org
Hector Reyes House Latin American Health Alliance - (508) 459-1801; Lahaworc.org
Latino Health Insurance Program - (508) 875-1237; Lhiprogram.org
Multicultural Wellness Center - Worcester- (508) 752-4665; Fitchburg- (978) 343-3336; Multiculturalwellness.org
Refugee & Immigration Assistance Center - (508) 756-7557; riacboston.org
United Hmong of Massachusetts, Inc. - (978) 343-3831; unitedhmong.org
To apply for or learn more about MassHealth insurance, contact MassHealth Customer Service at (800) 841-2900; TTY: (800) 497-4648; or visit https://www.mass.gov/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-and-masshealth.