In keeping with the mission of the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District, and in alignment with the Massachusetts General Laws, this notice is provided as part of the outreach and ongoing liaison with resources within the SEBRSD community towns of Spencer and East Brookfield, MA. This is to advise you of the availability of the referral process for Special Education evaluations for those children, ages three through twenty-two, who may be suspected to have a disability and may be determined eligible for specialized instruction and/or related services.
Special Education regulations require that principals, or other educational administrators, make specific efforts to first meet the student’s needs in the general education setting. Those efforts include promotion of instructional practices and provision of adequate instructional support for students and teachers (MGL, c. 71B, section 2). If any student has been unsuccessful in making progress within the general curriculum, despite documented instructional support and effort, and is suspected of having a disability, any parent, caregiver, or professional may refer the student for a Special Education evaluation.
If you suspect your child may have a disability interfering with his/her learning, please contact the Student Services Department at (508) 885-8515.