Good Afternoon,
I hope this message finds you and yours well. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through the various challenges related to the reopening of school later in September amidst COVID-19 concerns.
First, I wanted to share the most up-to-date schedule we have set for each building or department for “Virtual Parent/Family Info Nights.
- Ms. Kara Westerman, Director of Pupil Services
- Virtual Parent/Family Information Night - Tuesday, September 1st, (Preschool) @7:00pm
- Virtual Parent/Family Information Night - Tuesday, September 8th @7:00pm
- Mrs. Linda Stanelun, Principal and Mrs. Melanie Ethier, Asst Principal, Wire Village School, – Thursday, September 3rd
- Virtual Parent/Family Information available during the day @1:00pm (Grades K-4).
- Virtual Parent/Family Information Night (Grades k-2) @6:00pm and
- Virtual Parent/Family Information Night (Grades 3-4) @7:00pm
- Mr. Ron Tomlin, Principal, East Brookfield Elementary School –
- Tuesday, September 1st, (Preschool) @7:00pm
- Thursday, September 3rd, (Grades k-3) @7:00pm
- Tuesday, September 8th, (Grades 4-6) @7:00pm
- Mr. Ralph Broseth, Principal, and Gina Fasoli, Asst Principal Knox Trail Middle School – KT Virtual Orientation (Entire school) w/Q&A - August 25
- FAQs from Q&A posted to school website and FB - August 31
- New Student Orientation (All 5th Grade Students, 7th Grade EB Students, any other new students) – Tuesday, September 8th, @5:00pm
- Mr. Matt Bolduc, Director of Academic Affairs – Date & Time TBD
- Mrs. Liz York Principal, and Nathaniel Malone, Assistant Principal, David Prouty High School
- Virtual Freshmen Orientation - Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 @7:00pm
- Virtual Senior Class Parent/Family Information Night – Tuesday, September 1st, @7:00pm
- Virtual Junior Class Parent/Family Information Night – Wednesday – September 2nd, @7:00pm
- Virtual Sophomore Class Parent/Family Information Night - Thursday, September 3rd, @7:00pm
This is an opportunity for you to submit follow-up questions from the presentations, as well as to ask new questions. Links for each Virtual Parent/Family Information Night, as well as the process to submit questions, will follow this correspondence from each school/department. Each principal and director will be responsible for communicating and promoting the events to the public.
Transportation Information: has already begun being setup. Turn to Spencer Cable Access for a special video presentation of what to expect when riding the bus during Covid-19 presented by AA Transportation, Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District and Spencer Cable Access.
Cohort Requests (Grades K-3): If parents/families have not already stated their preference, for cohorting... Parents/families are encouraged to send cohort requests to their principals asap for grades K-3. We will do our best to accommodate parents/family needs.
Before and After School Care: Before school as well child care is not available currently, however, this will be reassessed Currently we are researching what can be done for after-school care will be available for families, however, we are still working on logistics. More information will be made available as we learn more.
Chromebooks: There have been many questions around Chromebooks and 1:1 device rollout to parents, families - students - We are pleased to announce that we have Chromebooks for each student in the school district this year. The technology department is working with building principals to establish days and times that families may pick up their devices. We anticipate further communication on the distribution of Chromebooks later this week by the Technology Department and expect to begin distribution on Tuesday of next week – taking place at each school
School Calendar: I am attaching once more, by special request, the updated school calendar for the 2020-2021 academic year as voted by our School Committee. Please take note that DESE is allowing snow days to take place as remote learning days this year, however, severity of weather, potential loss of electricity, the ability for families to have consistency in daily routines, and other scenarios factored into each decision. Click here for the calendar.
Finally, as we prepare to return to school in a measured and phased manner, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to:
(a) wear face coverings;
(b) wash/sanitize hands frequently; and
(c) keep appropriate social distance.
We want to open our doors and keep them open at all times but can only do that if we remain vigilant in our actions individually and with each other.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration while we navigate the pandemic. Your support and partnership is deeply appreciated by everyone within the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
Sincerely Yours,
Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools